МКК-Международный Красный Крест набирает переводчиков с восточных языков.


Поддерживая традиционно дружеские отношения с международной организацией, наш сайт по просьбе координатора набора переводчиков Лиз Харрис (Лондон) публикует объявление о вакансиях в МКК. Вот выдержка из письма Лиз Харрис:
«The languages I look for in particular are: Pashto, Farsi/Dari, Hindi/Urdu and Arabic. The ICRC also has posts for speakers of Tamil/Singhala, Khmer, Burmese, Nepali, Thai, Tamil, Sinhala,Turkish and Amharic, although there are fewer positions for these languagues. The candidates should not have family links with the countries in which they might be sent to work in, in the interests of neutrality.»

А вот само объявление:
The International Committee of the Red Cross is seeking linguists to work in its overseas operations. Expatriate interpreters work predominantly in the field of detention, which entails inspecting and monitoring the treatment and conditions of persons detained due to armed conflict. In this way, the ICRC aims to ensure that prisoners of war and security detainees are treated in line with the provisions laid out in the Geneva Conventions. The role is challenging, but immensely rewarding, giving recruits the chance to use their language skills for the world’s oldest humanitarian organisation, working in places and with people that only the ICRC has access to. In the interests of neutrality, applicants should not have have family links to the countries to which they may be deployed.
Further details about the languages in demand and the posts on offer can be found on the ICRC’s website at:http://www.icrc.org/eng/who-we-are/jobs/vacancies/index.jsp
Potential candidates are welcome to contact me direclty on this email address: lharris@icrc.org
Best wishes, Liz
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